“Women in leadership roles can help restore balance and wholeness to our communities.” – Wilma Mankiller [1945 – April 6, 2010]
Sedgwick County Democratic Women unites local women of the Democratic Party; to promote the cause of the Democratic Party and to encourage full participation of women in every level of the Democratic Party structure.
Our priority is to raise money to contribute to the campaign funds of pro-choice women candidates. Some years, contributions also are made to pro-choice male candidates who become associate members of the club. The amounts and parameters vary depending on the number of candidates and the amount available for distribution.
“When women vote, Democrats win,” because Democrats support the social issues so important to families and communities and healthy societies.
Our charter is supporting women to run for and win elected office in our county. Your annual membership goes directly to fund Democratic candidates in Sedgwick County. We provide funds to women Democrats first and to men Democrats secondly who run for state office representing Sedgwick County.
President, Deb Shepard
1st VP/Membership, Elizabeth Bishop
2nd VP/Programs, Fran Jackson
Secretary – OPEN
Treasurer, Terry Van Horne
Auditor, Emily Knorp-Brown Stone
Parliamentarian, Marcey Gregory
Advisory Council — Appointed Committees
Committee Chairs
Constitution and Bylaws
Candidate Support
We meet the second Thursday of each month, 6:15pm – 8:00pm at
Service Employees International Union,
3340 W Douglas Ave,
Wichita, KS 67203, USA
Membership dues are $30 per year payable by cash, check, or credit card. Women joining SCDW automatically receive full membership within the Kansas Federation of Democratic Women (KFDW). Associate members (men) are not members of KFDW. KFDW members are a part of the Midwestern Regional Federation of Democratic Women and the National Federation of Democratic Women.