JCDW North is one of two KFDW chapters in Johnson County, Kansas. JCDW North and South are sister organizations that work together to help get Democrats in Johnson County elected. We meet monthly and always host an interesting and relevant speaker to keep us informed on the important issues in the area. We always include resources and an action item to go with the meeting. 

JCDW also sends out a monthly newsletter, with details about upcoming speakers, fundraisers and important dates for staying actively involved in our democracy! 

We would love to hear from you. Email us to tell us who you’d like to hear from, what topics interest you and what you’d like to be doing as a community. We look forward to your input!


Meetings are a fun way to meet new people and bond with old friends as we all work towards the common goal of improving our community, one election at a time.  

We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm on ZOOM! Email us at jcdwks@gmail.com  for the link. We love visitors!


$40 per year and includes membership to JCDW South. To join visit our sign up form.

If you prefer to mail a check, make the check out to JCDW North and mail to:

c/o Joyce Hughes, Treasurer JCDW North

21707 W. 62nd St

Shawnee, KS 66218